BJÖRN: Roliga saker –

Det som underhåller och förnöjer. Det som piggar upp och som gör livet roligt.

World of Tanks versus Need For Speed World

World of Tanks and Need for Speed World, two games that I have played for more than 1,000 hours each. Read this blog post and find out what I have learned about gameplay, social aspects and how to evolve as a player.

This is not a guide to either game, merely a post I have thinking of writing for a long time now, especially after recently being sucked into WoW for a couple of days and being forced to leave in a hurry (by my wife that did not approve).

World of Tanks
Advertised as being a game with 50,000,000 players World of Tanks can be a bit of a dull at first glance. There are never 50 million players online in the same game world. If you was looking for a ”single” server and tons of players everywhere, like with EVE Online, then World of Tanks will disappoint you. The game is very thin in that sense and you never engage with more than 30ish other players at any given moment.

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Unboxing headset Sennheiser PC 131

Sennheiser PC 131 är ett headset av enklare modell. Jag har haft den hörlursmodellen i flera år och uppskattat dess enkelhet tillsammans med funktion.

Basåtergivningen började dock att bli lite skakig och det var dags att köpa nya. Här är min unboxingvideo av hörlurarna:

What is Sweden Social Web Camp?

IMG_4158Right now the top trending hashtag for Sweden on Twitter is #SSWC and SSWC stands for Sweden Social Web Camp. It is an unconference taking place on an island (Tjärö) in Southern Sweden, to which you need to travel on a small ferry. The ferry is so small it usually takes 5-10 round trips to bring all the participants to the island.

On the island this year there are approx. 450 participants and there you can find freelancers, consultants, programmers, web hosting companies, CEOs, marketing officers, regular employees, government agencies, senior advisors to the Swedish government, media folks, PR folks, live national radio and hundreds of sheep running around. You can even find a couple of families.

One cool thing is that there is barely any internet on the island. For this event they connect key spots on the island using plain old wire, and at the key spots there are routers hung in trees so that the participants can enjoy a (free) broadband wireless network (mostly used to publish images to Instagrams and to check the Twitter feed).

Being an unconference each participant has a chance to host a session. There is a grid that is somewhat filled with sessions (voting online before the event) but it is a large grid and plenty of room for everyone. If you do not make it to the grid there is always Twitter where you can announce a session off the grid.

Among the sessions this year you can see the new Memoto lifelogging camera, you could enter to win one of 40 seats to fly over the surrounding landscape in a fullsize helicopter (courtesy of web hosting company City Network), you could have been sailing for a week prior to the event, on one of two large vessels and during those trips worked to raise money for youths with cancer.

In the evening you can enjoy one or several beers and glasses of wine, listen to the music from the small dancefloor, eat some hot dogs (courtesy of web hosting company FS Data), hang out with old and new friends, run away into the night for a swim, make out in a tent or go to sleep early.

I attended the event last year and it was great. I missed my family but I pushed through and feel a bit sad this year since I am not there. I am home with my daughter because my wife is at a large fair in Stockholm, selling WoodWick and Bridgewater candles. Maybe next year?

Ge färg till alla inlägg i WP-admin utifrån status

Colored Admin Post List är ett nytt WordPress-tillägg som gör att det blir enklare att överblicka alla inlägg.

Du väljer vilka färger som en viss status ska ha. Inlägg som är publicerade kan t.ex. ha en grön bakgrundsfärg i översikten. Inlägg som är utkast kan vara orange och inlägg som är väntande (Status: Väntar på granskning) kan ha en blå bakgrundsfärg. Privata inlägg kan vara röda osv.

Colored Admin Post List

Colored Admin Post List

Colored Admin Post List är ett bra tillägg för dig som arbetar väldigt mycket med inlägg i WordPress. Du är kanske webbredaktör på en webbplats eller blogg med många författare. Då ser du som standard en lista med massor av rader och alla rader ser likadana ut. Colored Admin Post List råder bot på stelheten i WordPress-admin och ökar användarvänligheten.

Gumball 2013 – Tallin till Riga

Gumball 2013 har rullat vidare under veckan och efter vissa bekymmer för somliga att ta sig ut från Ryssland, gasade supersportbilarna vidare söderut.

Shmee150 är en bra YouTube-kanal att följa för dig som gillar högkvalitativa videoklipp från Gumball, snarare än alla åskådares skakiga mobiluppladdningar.

Ballin’ from Tallinn to Riga – Switzer GT-R, Edo Competition 997:

För dig vill läsa om deltagarnas upplevelser rekommenderar jag ett besök på The Dudesons-bloggen:

Post thumbnail by fred zilla